Friday, May 31, 2019

Somerset Levels : Visit 1

A week off work for Whitsun and a break with Teresa, my youngest grandson Lucas and granddaughter Holly at a lovely holiday park in Cheddar allowed me a couple of visits to one of my favourite places the wonderful Somerset Levels which was only a 25 minute drive away.
I've seen Black-winged Stilt a few times in the UK and the pair that had shown up at Catcott Lows NR were an opportunity not to be missed.
I therefore set off last Sunday morning 26th May from Cheddar and arrived at the reserve mid-morning, I quickly got on to the birds although they were always a little too distant for anything more than 'record' shots...….

There were also several Cattle Egrets present with 15 reported of the 100 or so that now call the levels home...…..

After deciding that the stilts were not going to come any closer to the hide I decided to move on to RSPB Ham Wall where after a spell at Watchpoint 1 I moved on to the fairly new Avalon Hide which has become one of my favourite bird hides with it's elevated views across the open water and reedbeds.
Marsh Harriers were ever present hunting over the reedbeds with flybys of Great White Egrets now and again and one gave a great photo opportunity when it landed in front of the hide.
Bitterns were in short supply and I only managed a rubbish shot of one as it flew away into the distance...……

Although disappointed not to get a good shot of a Bittern I had enjoyed a fabulous day and hoped for better luck on another visit later in the week.

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