Thursday, December 27, 2018

'Cardiff and The Vale' jaunt........

With the best light for over a week forecast for today I thought I'd have another go for the Black-Necked Grebe off the barrage at Cardiff Bay but first called at Gileston in an attempt to catch up with one of the three Black Redstarts currently at Aberthaw Power Station.
One was reported by Ceri Jones whilst I was on my way and I met up with Ceri shortly after arrival, the bird he had seen was way into the confines of the power station and we both saw the bird briefly again as well as a rather well fed looking Peregrine Falcon high up on one of the tower structures.
Ceri left and after about half an hour a male Black Redstart appeared nearer the perimeter fence alternating between one of the buildings and a concrete wall, it never came close enough for anything meaningful and with shooting through the heavy chain link fence 'record' shots only were the order of the day.........

I pushed on to Cardiff Bay arriving at about 2.00pm and got on to the BN Grebe pretty quickly finding it east of the 'sails' near the play area, it was not as obliging as it had been on my visit on Christmas Eve keeping it's distance probably due to the volume of visitors enjoying a day out.
I could have made an early visit avoiding the crowds but wanted to make use of the 'golden hour' just before the sun went down, a nice male Goosander was also a joy to photograph.
The differing colour cast can be seen with the grebe as the sun set.
I was glad I made the effort and came away with some images that I was quite pleased with.........

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