Thursday, January 10, 2008

2007 - Not the Best

Birding in 2007 was on the whole very disappointing. Not because I dipped on many good birds (for a change), it was the fact that I must have spent only 5% of the time out in the field in 2007 as I'd done in 2006. Still, here's what sticks out from those few occasions that I did manage to grab the 'bins and get out and about.

The dash up with Wayne and Geth to see the Llys-y-Fran 'Pacific Diver' was about as mad as it got in 2007. With the winter sun setting at around 4.30pm Wayne and I didn't decide to go for this bird 'til about 1.30pm! I hope this birds get the nod (I've heard that it probably won't) and if it does, that it is immediately split from B-t Diver!

Only 3/4 lifers during the year: the Frampton Glossy Ibis and I admit that I have already ticked the Marbled Duck which was nearby - looked like a good 'un to me. Also, the Gower Roller and the Spotted Sandpiper at Lisvane Res.

Glamorgan lifers obviously include the Roller and Spot Sand, but also Kenfig's White-rumped Sandpiper and the Bearded Tits down at the Cardiff Bay Wetland Reserve early on in the year.

The family day trip to Whiteford at the end of December was also a highlight - all the usual stuff with Woodcock, Jack Snipe and a male Hen Harrier the icing on the cake.

Somebody will probably correct me but I can only recall one major dip - the Common Rosefinch at Mewslade. I bet you the bugger's still there. And don't ask me what my year list was - but I did manage to get Spotted Flycathcer, Whinchat and Wheatear though ;-)

2007 - was that it?!

Roll on the Scottish Trip.


Wayne said...

Aquatic warbler! Black stork!

Dan said...

Flippin 'eck! How did I forget those?