Monday, November 18, 2024

Willow Tits - Maesteg : 13.November 2024

On Wednesday 13th November I paid a visit to our local feeding station in the Llynfi Valley to top up the feeders following Colin Gittins' visit the previous weekend.
We have been fortunate to have a small number of Willow Tits present in the area since 2020 and they appear to still be holding their own despite being the UK's fastest declining bird species.
After topping up the feeders birds came in quickly to feed and amongst them were 2, possibly 3 Willow Tits.
Also present were Blue, Great and Coal Tits, M+F Bullfinch, Dunnocks, Blackbirds, Robins, Chaffinches, Jays and Magpies.
The Willow Tits come in and depart so quickly that it is quite difficult to get a photo of one perched on a branch and not on a feeder which is easier, I did however luckily manage just the one perched shot.
Here are some photographs from a very enjoyable morning......

Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Snow Bunting - Burry Port, Carms : 30.October 2024

On my way to our caravan for a few days on 30th October I took a slight diversion in order to have a look for and photograph a Snow Bunting found a couple of days previously just east of Burry Port beach.

Having parked up and with my dog Timmy in tow we enjoyed the 15 minute walk to the bird's location which had been well documented on the Carmarthenshire Birds WhatsApp group and BirdGuides.

Fortunately there were two birders already present one of whom was Paul Stephens who I have got to know in recent years.

The bird was showing well in the tussocky dune grass and I proceeded to get several images that I was quite pleased with despite the gloomy conditions, the wonders that Lightroom is capable of !!

I just can't resist a Snow Bunting, such beautiful little birds, here are some images from my visit.......