Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Sandwich Terns - Newton, Porthcawl : 11th September 2024

After being a little disappointed with my visit on the 9th to Pembrey Old Harbour I headed to Newton Beach, Porthcawl on Wednesday 11th September hoping to photograph waders at the early afternoon high tide roost.

Upon arrival I was pleasantly surprised to find 4 Sandwich Terns also present although 2 flew off not long after I arrived leaving the other two to join the wader roost.

I positioned myself on my small fishing stool at a reasonable distance and let the birds come slowly towards me as the tide approached.

This opportunity more than compensated for my disappointing visit to Pembrey Old Harbour and I came away with probably my best photos of Sandwich Terns that I have managed over the years.....

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