Friday, September 06, 2024

Little Owl - South Glamorgan : 1st September 2024

Upon leaving Llanishen Reservoir myself, Dave and Jenson moved on to a location in South Glamorgan which is home to a pair of Little Owls which over the years have become my favourite owl species.

The site is on private land for which I obtained permission to visit some time ago for monitoring as long as I phone or text prior to visiting.

The two birds were present if only for brief moments, but the three of us managed to get some nice images........

Black-necked Grebe - Llanishen Reservoir, Cardiff : 1st September 2024

My first birding venture of September was a visit to Llanishen Reservoir in Cardiff for the one remaining visiting Black-necked Grebe with good friends and fellow birders/toggers Dave Gilbert and his talented grandson Jenson.

We met on the outskirts of Cardiff at Longwood Drive near ASDA and leaving my X Trail made our way to the reservoir in Dave's van.

Upon arrival we were informed by another birder that the bird was showing at the opposite end of the reservoir to the visitor centre so onwards we marched and quickly found the bird which was a well received 'lifer' for Jenson.

The bird came within 20-30m from the bank and the three of us 'filled our boots' taking photos..........

Teifi Marshes, Cardigan : 29th August 2024

During a week at our caravan at Poppit Sands at the end of August I didn't manage to do a lot of birding other than spending a couple of hours late one afternoon at the Curlew Hide at Teifi Marshes hoping that Osprey 7H6 would put in an appearance as it was still being reported into the 4th week of it's stay.

Unfortunately for me it didn't show, I wasn't too disappointed though as I'm really pleased with the images that I've previously obtained.

A female Common Kingfisher kept me entertained for about half an hour whilst I waited and as the tide ebbed and the muddy river bank became exposed a few Curlews flew in allowing me some photos........


WWT Llanelli + Tern Watch - Pembrey Old Harbour : 22nd August 2024

I spent a few hours at WWT Llanelli on Thursday 22nd August hoping that the Red-necked Phalarope that had been there for a few days would still be there, unfortunately for me it had departed.
It was generally quiet and I didn't have the patience or a 'scope to try and pick out the Spotted Redshank amongst the numerous Common Redshanks in front of the British Steel Hide.
A few nice Black-tailed Godwits did drop in at The Observatory lagoon which were transitioning from summer to winter plumage and posed nicely for some photos.
I then moved on late afternoon to join the Carmarthenshire Bird Club at their tern watch at Pembrey Old Harbour near Burry Port. It was nice to bump into Mike 'Trim', Gary Harper, Chris Onn, Bernie Beck and Rob Hunt and chat.
There were numerous Sandwich Terns present with a single Roseate Tern, one Common Tern and a few Mediterranean Gulls, unfortunately they were all too distant for individual photos so flock shots were the order of the day........