Monday, January 02, 2017

"They're getting closer", Waxwings that is........

Folowing Tim's text I headed for Brecon phoning friend and fellow 'togger' Steve Wilce from Bwlch, Nr Brecon who was already at the location with his camera and big lens and a couple of other birders/toggers, Steve gave me the exact location and greeted me on my arrival.
The five birds were quite mobile and after about twenty minutes we picked one up in a distant Birch tree which was soon joined by the others.
We watched for a while and they flew to a berry laden Rowan in the rear garden of a bungalow which Steve had already gained permission to access, result !!
We made our way into the garden and managed a few shots before the birds took flight back to their favoured tall Birch......

We searched a couple of the streets and on our way back to our original location we spotted not five but nine birds which all headed back to the garden of the bungalow, they all settled in the Rowan and allowed us both in company with Keith Noble to get some more shots of these incredible birds........

I've probably got 1000s of images of Waxwings including some in the snow from past invasions but it's a bird that I can't resist and the mad dash was well worth the effort.


Tim said...

I think I was talking to Steve Wilce whilst we were there. The lady in the bungalow opposite invited him to use the garden, just as the birds flew towards the hospital, typical.

Jeff said...

Hi Tim,
Steve's about my age and Sue his wife was with him, big cammo lens on Gimbal head on tripod, you couldn't miss him, lovely couple and we met a number of years ago when we had the caravan at Llangors, been good friends ever since.

Jeff said...

Hi Tim,
Coincidentally the very first post on the blog was Waxwings by yourself in January 2005 !!

Dan said...

Bloody hell, Jeff, you've excelled yourself with these pics. The next front cover of 'Waxwing Fanciers' monthly absolutely nailed I'd say. You can't even complain about the light for once ;-)

Tim said...

Yes, that was them!

Tim said...

Blimey, with them back on Newport Rd, we've come full circle....

Jeff said...

No complaints Dan 😊