A planned visit to Martin Down and Sixpenny Handley, in the hope of turtle dove and corn bunting, was put off as news of a little bittern at Walton Heath near Ham Wall came through. Within an hour we were there. Great views of hunting hobbies, bitterns in flight and black terns were enjoyed, along within dozens of dragonflies and damselflies. Unfortunately, the little bittern did not show during our stay. As the afternoon drifted on we decided to cut our losses and make the short trip over to Collard Hill.
It was a good call. Despite being a little early in the season, we arrived to the news that 4 large blues had been seen a few hours earlier. A thorough search of the spot resulted in both a male and female large blue happily sunning together. A fresh marbled white and plenty of painted ladies concluded the visit.
I dipped on the LB yesterday too. It's a big area of reedbed so you have to be lucky to get it. Checking Birdguides when I got home I found it it showed 45 mins before I arrived and then again late in the evening (as well as a Black Kite!!!!!). Did get a Bittern in flight though.
Re:Little Bittern - should have taken The Twitchmeister,he gets everything - you know it makes sense !!
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