Monday, August 19, 2024

A visit to The Great Bustard Project - Wiltshire : 15th August 2024

Although I'd seen both Great and Little Bustard in Portugal as far back as April 2003 I had never seen either species in the UK so a visit to Wiltshire to see the introduced but now self sustaining and breeding population of Great Bustard was way overdue.

This I accomplished on Thursday 15th August in company with good friend and fellow 'togger' Dave Gilbert and his grandson Jenson Gilbert-Jones, both are great photographers but Jenson shows real promise and at the tender age of 13 has plenty of time on his hands to hone his already significant skills.

We met early at Longwood Drive, Cardiff and with myself at the wheel rocked up at our meeting point of Enford Village Hall after a fairly clear journey.

We were a little early which gave us time to stretch our legs before being greeted by our guide for the morning Phillip Tryner in his Land Rover.

We were the only guests on this early morning visit which meant that there was ample space in the Land Rover as we trundled along the country lane to the elevated viewing hide adjacent a local farm.

The hide was very comfortable and we were afforded excellent if a little distant views of as many as 24 mixed male and female birds.

There was already a 'scope set up in the hide and with Phil also sharing his 'scope fabulous views of these iconic birds were achieved.

Whilst watching, eagle-eyed Jenson spotted a couple of Grey Partridge just moving into cover, they were a little too quick for me though and I missed the shot.

I did though get on to an 'English'  Red Kite and also a very strikingly marked juvenile pale Common Buzzard both of which were hunting the field in front of us.

It was all too soon that we were leaving the hide and then we were treated to a tour of the 'reserve' and the Visitor Centre as we made our way back to our meeting point.

What a fabulous morning, the cost of £25 each for the visit was a bargain and Phil was an excellent host providing us with lots of informative and interesting information. 

It is an amazing project that has been developed by a group of very hard working and keen members and I wish them every success for the future.

This was my first visit but will certainly not be my last with another visit in the Spring of 2025 to watch and photograph the birds 'lekking' is already being discussed.

Leaving Enford we headed for Avebury in search of Tree Sparrows but were unsuccessful, it is many years since I have been there and I struggled to find a location where I had seen them previously, that said they have probably reduced in numbers quite significantly.

We did though manage to photograph a Yellow Wagtail on the roof of a barn.

By mid-afternoon the wind strength had really increased and as photography was proving difficult we decided to head for home making good time to Cardiff and just beating the rush hour traffic.

Osprey Blue 7H6 returns - Teifi Marshes, Cardigan : 5th August 2024

Having returned to our caravan during the last week of July I was thrilled to hear that an Osprey had returned to the Afon Teifi at Teifi Marshes and was fishing at the same location that had been used by the visiting Osprey in the first week of June, was this the same bird I asked myself ?

I spoke with a visiting birder/togger during my first visit of 2nd August who had managed to photograph the bird and upon examination of his photos you could just about make out the characters of the left leg Blue ring which indeed were 7H6 meaning the bird from early June had returned !

This was great news which I reported to Wendy James of the Teifi Ringing Group for onwards transmission to the Osprey Foundation.

I then made several visits over the ensuing week on the 5th, 7th and 10th August at various times but generally at high tide which the bird seemed to favour getting some great views and pleasing photographs.

Having posted on Facebook my posts were picked up by the Keilder Osprey Group in Northumberland and I was advised that Blue 7H6 had intruded at Nest No 4 at Keilder back on 15th June after he had departed from his first short stay on the Teifi on the 6th.

Here are a few images from my visits including some diving/fishing shots although I am yet to photograph him with a catch, perhaps I'll get lucky when we return to the caravan shortly..........