We were all up for it and about 45 minutes later, after several breathers, we were up on the tops (at 682 metres to be precise). The views were breathtaking and well worth the effort to get up there. On the way we'd ticked off Raven, Buzzard, Kestrel, Red Kite (we were to enjoy another couple of sightings of the latter), Wheatear, Mipits and Skylarks.
With Mrs JJ and Gwenni settling down
again for a kip the boys went to the edge of the cliff with our bins and 'scopes. Within 5 minutes we'd found our Ring Ouzel - a male singing below us. We watched it for about five minutes before it disappeared from view. (Crap picture above!).
On the way down Jeff and I found another one, a female this time, but the views were very brief.
Going down was more difficult than going up and I managed to gracefully fall a*se over t*t. Jeff, being a 'Valley Boy', was as sure footed as a mountain goat. He even managed to take some photos of the female Whinchat we found on the way down.
We parted back at the lay-by. Jeff to go back for a shower and a slab of lager and the JJs to go on for a picnic at the Libanus Mountain Centre. It was a lovely day and if you've got the energy I'd thoroughly recommend the walk up to the top of the crag.
That sure was a tough climb but ultimately well worth the effort for the views alone!!
The descent was even tougher and downright dangerous in parts,the kids had the right idea in sliding down the steep slope on the whimberries,how on earth Mrs J-J will have got their clothes clean will be a miracle.
It is VERY steep. I went in September after rain, and was amazed not to fall over.
I haven't been up the climb. Maybe soon, as its about time I caught up with whinchat again. Took the kids to the Forest of Dean on Saturday. We spent most of the time at Beechenhurst, but popped to Nagshead for an hour. Got good views of a male pied flycatcher and heard wood warbler and redstart but didn't see them.
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